Introducing Forestwest Pan Mortar Mixes, also known as Screed Mixers. We have developped three models, the 1100W 80L Mortar Mixer, the 1500W 120L Mortar Mixer and the 2200W 120L Mortar Mixer. Since these mortar mixers come with 4 mixing paddles with different shape and set at different height, they can produce a much better mixing result more efficently than the normal cement mixer. And with the 4-wheels design, the machine can be loaded into a vehicle easily by one person. These heavdy duty screed mixers are perfect for mixing stucco, plaster, epoxy, terrazzo, drywall mud, paint or grout, etc.
We have been selling them for 5-6 years, and recently upgrade all of them with either stronger motor or stronger gearboxes. They have been tested by tradesman and businesses, and their feedback can be seen from the reviews:

Today, I want to share a testing video, filmed by a local customer in Melbourne:
These pan mixers, mortar mixers are available for pickup from Forestwest warehouse in Victoria and WA, and also available for purchase and delivery on line. Click here to order or view more information. Or just contact us at 1300 281 198, and our friendly staff will be able to help you with any inquiries.